OFFSET Function

The Excel OFFSET function is a versatile, yet often underused function that can be used to dynamically retrieve data from a specified range. The function is particularly useful in cases where you need to create dynamic ranges or manage data that updates frequently.


referenceThe starting point (a cell or range of cells) from which to calculate the offset.
rowsThe number of rows to move up or down from the starting point.
colsThe number of columns to move left or right from the starting point.

(Optional) The height of the returned range, in the number of rows.

(Optional) The width of the returned range, in the number of columns.

Arguments "height" and "width" are optional. If omitted, the function returns a range with the same height and width as the reference.


Consider a table with sales data. The OFFSET function can be used to dynamically retrieve a specific cell or range of cells.


Using OFFSET to return the sales value for Oranges:


In this case, A1 is the starting reference, 2 is the rows offset, and 2 is the columns offset. The formula returns 150.

Practice Exercise 1

Task: Use the OFFSET function to find the sales value for Grapes from the table below.

Practice Exercise 2

Task: Use the OFFSET function to return the range of Sales for the first two items in the table below.

Solution for Exercise 1

To find the sales value for Grapes, the formula is:


This formula starts from A1 and moves 4 rows down and 2 columns to the right to return the sales value of 250 for Grapes.

Solution for Exercise 2

To return the range of Sales for Mango and Peach, the formula is:


This formula starts from A1, moves 2 rows down and 2 columns to the right, then returns a range of size 2 rows by 1 column. This includes the sales values 300 and 350.


The Excel OFFSET function is a powerful tool that allows you to dynamically access different parts of your worksheet. By using the appropriate arguments, you can create flexible formulas that adapt to changing data, which makes it an essential function for any Excel user.