Age Calculation

Knowing how to determine ages from birthdates is a common requirement in many fields, from HR to health care. In Excel, the DATEDIF function is a handy tool for calculating the difference between two dates, making it perfect for age calculation.

Determine ages from birthdates using the DATEDIF function

The DATEDIF function in Excel calculates the difference between two dates in years, months, or days. For age calculation, we'll focus on determining the difference in years.


Below is an example table demonstrating how to calculate ages from birthdates using the DATEDIF function:

John Doe1980-05-15=DATEDIF(B2, TODAY(), "Y")
Jane Smith1990-12-253=DATEDIF(B3, TODAY(), "Y")
Emily Johnson2005-07-19=DATEDIF(B4, TODAY(), "Y")


Now it's your turn to calculate ages. Use the provided Excel sheet to determine the ages of the following individuals based on their birthdates:


To solve the exercise, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the birthdate in the cell.
  2. Use the DATEDIF function to calculate the age.

Example Calculation:

  • For "Alice Brown":
    • Birthdate: 1985-03-10
    • Formula for Age: =DATEDIF(B2, TODAY(), "Y")
    • Result: 39

This table provides a clear layout for calculating ages using the DATEDIF function in Excel. Users can input their data and see the results immediately within the embedded sheet.

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