NPV (Net Present Value) Function

The NPV (Net Present Value) function in Excel is a crucial tool in financial analysis. It allows you to calculate the present value of a series of cash flows that occur over time, considering a specified discount rate. This function is commonly used to evaluate the profitability of an investment or project by discounting future cash flows back to their value in today's terms.


=NPV(rate, value1, [value2], ...)Calculates the Net Present Value based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate.
  • rate: The discount rate over one period.
  • value1, value2, ...: The series of cash flows. These can be numbers or references to ranges that contain the values.


Let's consider a scenario where you need to calculate the NPV for a project with an initial investment and subsequent cash inflows over six years. The initial investment is typically not included in the NPV function directly but added or subtracted later.

YearCash Flow
0 (Initial Investment)-$15,000

In this example, the NPV can be calculated using a discount rate of 9%:

=NPV(0.09, 4000, 5000, 6000, 3000, 7000, 2000) + (-15000)

Practice Exercise 1

Task: Calculate the NPV for a project with the following cash flows. Use a discount rate of 8%.

Hint: Remember that the initial investment (Year 0) should be added or subtracted from the result of the NPV function. Only future cash flows should be included in the NPV function itself.

Practice Exercise 2

Task: Calculate the NPV for a project where the cash flows alternate between positive and negative values. Use a discount rate of 11%.

Hint: When cash flows alternate between positive and negative, ensure that both the positive and negative values are included in the NPV function. The discount rate still applies to all future cash flows, regardless of their sign.

Solution for Exercise 1:

The formula to calculate the NPV for Exercise 1 is:

=NPV(0.08, 8000, 9500, 7000, 6000, 4500) + (-25000)

Solution for Practice Exercise 2:

The formula to calculate the NPV for Exercise 2 is:

=NPV(0.11, 6000, -3000, 8000, -1500, 7500) + (-18000)