Sales Data

  • Columns: Date, Product ID, Product Name, Category, Quantity Sold, Unit Price, Total Sales, Salesperson, Region
  • Practice Areas: Summing total sales, calculating average sales per region, creating sales charts, and using pivot tables to analyze sales by category and region.

Employee Data

  • Columns: Employee ID, First Name, Last Name, Department, Job Title, Date of Hire, Salary, Performance Rating
  • Practice Areas: Filtering and sorting by department or performance rating, calculating average salary by department, using conditional formatting to highlight top performers.

Financial Data

  • Columns: Date, Account, Description, Debit, Credit, Balance
  • Practice Areas: Creating a running balance, reconciling accounts, and generating financial statements like income statements and balance sheets.

Inventory Data

  • Columns: Item ID, Item Name, Category, Supplier, Purchase Date, Purchase Price, Quantity in Stock, Reorder Level
  • Practice Areas: Tracking inventory levels, calculating reorder points, and using VLOOKUP to find supplier information.

Customer Orders

  • Columns: Order ID, Customer ID, Customer Name, Order Date, Ship Date, Product ID, Product Name, Quantity, Unit Price, Total Order Value
  • Practice Areas: Analyzing order trends, calculating average order value, and using pivot tables to summarize orders by customer or product.

Survey Data

  • Columns: Respondent ID, Age, Gender, Location, Survey Question 1, Survey Question 2, Survey Question 3, etc.
  • Practice Areas: Summarizing survey responses, calculating response averages, and creating charts to visualize survey results.

Website Analytics

  • Columns: Date, Page URL, Page Views, Unique Visitors, Bounce Rate, Average Time on Page, Conversion Rate
  • Practice Areas: Analyzing website performance over time, identifying top-performing pages, and using charts to display trends.

Project Management Data

  • Columns: Project ID, Project Name, Start Date, End Date, Project Manager, Budget, Actual Cost, Status
  • Practice Areas: Tracking project timelines, comparing budget vs. actual costs, and using Gantt charts for project planning.

Marketing Campaign Data

  • Columns: Campaign ID, Campaign Name, Start Date, End Date, Channel (e.g., Email, Social Media), Budget, Impressions, Clicks, Conversions, ROI
  • Practice Areas: Measuring campaign effectiveness, calculating conversion rates, and visualizing campaign performance across different channels.

Academic Records

  • Columns: Student ID, First Name, Last Name, Grade Level, Subject, Exam Date, Score
  • Practice Areas: Tracking student performance, calculating average scores by subject or grade level, identifying students who need additional support.
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